Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New Chair

So, Abby fell in love with Reid's cousin's lawn chair this weekend. So, I found her one with Handy Manny on it. She loves having her "own place to sit" in the living room. Here's some pics of her in it.
One in her chair right after bathy time, but before combing the crazy hair!

"Aw, look at me. Don't I clean up nicely?"

Look at those crazy feet. Lucky she doesn't have the "Faust toes"...I don't think!

I've been seeing this look more and more lately. Furrowed brows, little pout, saying, "Woman! What you doin'?" Something tells me to expect to see this face well through her teenage years.

Now there's a face I love to see! I thought I'd show off how cute she looked with her multiple rubber banded ponytails...NOT my doing, I wouldn't even know where to start with this one!

1 comment:

Andrea_Ben said...

I LOVE that "girl - you crazy" look she gives you! Ha!

Glad she has somewhere all her own :0)