Sunday, May 31, 2009

See Ya Mom!

Our little darling has recently figured out the doggie door is a portal to the world. It's only a matter of time until she's asking for the car keys!!!
"Hey mom, a little help here! I'd like to go outside now"

"Hey Maggie what are you doing out there?"

"I wish you would come in to see me. Hey, it worked!"

"Hmmm, Maggie was outside, went through that magic portal, and now she's inside."

I bet it works both ways....see ya, mom!"

Here's a little flashback to a new Tucson tradition! Last year, Thad ran the "Meet Me Downtown 5K" through some really pretty parts of the old town and I walked (some of it) 8 mos prego. This year I ran it and got a pic in the same spot. Hopefully we'll both be in the US for the next one!

Miss ya, baby!

Monday, May 25, 2009


Hooray for 2 years for us! Here's to many, many more...hopefully on the same continent!
Look how little she is...and BIG I am!

Sweet us!

Ornery us!
Yes, that's a pitcher of Gin and Tonic! Gotta love the "open bar" concept in Korea! I thought I'd post this one immediately in front of Abby looking strikingly similar...yikes!!!

So Many Funny Faces, So Little Time

I'm not sure these first pics need any commentary! She's too funny:

Abby woke up from a nap to see that Hayden had come over for a play date...she looks a little confused!

Nothing an explanation from Hayden in some undocumented toddler speak can't fix.

Hayden says, "I'm bigger than you, but I'll share the toys with you."

Good shot of Hayden standing almost as tall as the crib!!

Abby enjoying another day in her sprinkler the expressions!

NO comment!

See above.

Bobbing for pool toys?!

Too much fun!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Beatin' The Heat

Abby's boyfriend, Reid Fallin, came over Sunday for some splashin' in the pool. They got to try out the new sprinkler pool too. I think I see faces of approval!

Andrea, Reid, Abby and Anna takin' a dip

Reid kept his hat on like a good boy. Abby won't even let you come near her with a hat. That's why I opted for the covered pool floatie.

Splish, splash...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Our Happy Girl!

Good shot of all 6 teeth, huh?

What a wonderful week! Abby is such a happy girl these days. She is really a joy to be around. I think she's proud of all the new discoveries she's made and I KNOW she's impressed with herself for standing up without holding on to anything. I'll get it on camera soon...she stood for almost 10 seconds today, but of course the camera was no where near! Rats. Soon, I promise.

My first Mother's Day was amazing as well. The week started off with getting a heartfelt, wonderful card from Thad that I look at and read everyday. My mom's card also brought tears to my eyes as I finally get to share this special day with her. My brother called to say happy first mom's day - every call from him means the world to me. My amazing friends Tuzzi and Uma had a vase full of tulips and the most amazing gift waiting for me when I went to pick them up for the "Tucson Pops" concert at Reid Park. Andrea, Ben, and Reid Fallin had us over for a dip in the pool - the kidos had so much fun splashing and swimming around...and of course mom always appreciates the company of fun friends! Abby's daycare made a wonderful gift from one of her first pair of shoes. Picture enclosed. I really don't deserve such wonderful people in my life! Thank y'all so much for thinking of me and making this day not nearly as lonely as I was anticipating!

Here's some of that happy girl:

That smile says it all!

Flirting with standing on her own. So far, she's just been letting go of what she's holding on to in order to stand...but any day now she'll push up from the floor. I'm currently in training, trying to get in shape for that day! Good Lord!

She say's "Mom, I'm coming to get ya!" Yikes!

I haven't really gotten many pictures of Abby's bath time...especially since she's such a big girl and has officially ditched the kiddie bathtubs. Here's some of our fun:

Here's that, "I'm up to something, and I hope mom doesn't figure it out" look.

"Ooooooh my goodness, I love a good bath!"

All clean and dry now. Life is much better.

Big girl eating a biscuit all by herself. This new self-sufficient feeding allows mom to wash dishes and feed the dogs. Two chores that don't always get done! ha.

The sweet gift from daycare. I think they know how hard it is on us parents to dump her off there everyday. That little flip-flop shoe was only on her foot once or twice, but it will forever be on my first Mother's Day gift. The note says, "I love you, Mommy. Happy Mother's Day 2009"

Thursday, May 7, 2009

So Many New Antics

Well, all in one week, Abigail found her tongue, stood on her own, learned how to play peek-a-boo, played the saxophone...okay, maybe the last one was a stretch, but she's doing so much lately, it's hard to keep up! It turns out the standing and the peek-a-boo doesn't last long enough to really capture with the camera, but here's some of her having fun with her new tongue discovery. I have to apologize for her hair...I had just taken out her pigtails when she started her antics. Bad hair day, I'd say!

Then she found mama's tongue!

Here's some of the pre-I-found-my-tongue-mama-took-my-pigtails-out look:
Oh, by the way, it's 100 deg F here, so that's why I'm naked!