Thursday, October 15, 2009

Handstand Mania!

Well, she saw mama doing a handstand, for undisclosed reasons, and thought it was the new, cool thing to do. So here's the crazy girl on her head. Just wait 'til she can kick those feet in the air!

Are you ready for some football?? Abby her new Aggie gear from Grams!!!!! I might have rolled up the legs a little too high. It's a 2T and almost fits her....sniff, sniff, she's getting SO big.

Abby says "ATTACK!"! She loves her dalmatian jammies and a big hug! Big hugs to all of you from Abigail! Can't wait to see you over the holidays!

1 comment:

colebrooklyn said...

sweet, sweet girl. love y'all!!