Abby and I took a trip out to the bombing range near Ajo, AZ to see daddy drop bombs and fire the gun. She was happy - waving and saying "Hi Dada!" and "Good bombs daddy!"...until, that is, it was time to strafe with the 30mm Gatling gun. Describing it as LOUD doesn't really do it justice. Abby was slightly terrified. I put her in the car so it wasn't as loud and managed to snap a few pics. Hopefully I'll get some video from some friends soon. I threw in some pictures of Abby in mama's helmet. Since I only fly once a week, and sometimes with other squadrons, I had to bring home my flying gear. Abby liked it.
Thad is #3...that's 3rd from the right!
Abby excited to help daddy build her bookshelf!
Good job guys! Project complete. Playroom less messy!
Wearing mama's helmet.
Ready to go fly!
Our friend Crystal's (Uma) birthday. She's an Aggie also so Abby (held by Cori, our friend Spaz's 10 yr old) is showing off her 12th man spirit!