Monday, August 10, 2009

Aloha Abby!

Abby says, "Volcanoes taste good!"
Before I can do a complete summary of our wonderful trip to Hawaii, I need the pictures off of Thad's computer (of course, we took WAY too many pics to fit on our memory cards). So, until I get them, here's some of the later part of our trip...

Thad and Abby hiking out on a lava bed...yes, this volcano erupted only 50 years ago. I think we both had mixed feelings about this one...because of Abigail, of course.

Picture taken 1/2 mile from where the active lava flow from Mauna Loa flows into the Pacific Ocean at the current site of Pu'u'O'o.

Mount Kilauea still venting - no activity since Mar 08...of course we were safe!!
Abby and Anna checking out Rainbow Falls near Hilo on the Big Island!
One last trip to the beach before heading home! The water and sand are so beautiful, but Abby doesn't have anything to compare them to. First time to see the ocean. She loved it. Scared of the big waves at first, but we couldn't get her out of the ocean near the end of the trip. She really is going to be fearless.

I thought I should document Abby learning the "chicken dance". As Grandpa John pointed out..."just in time for Wurstfest". She's sure to be a hit!

Who would think we'd need coats for Hawaii. Volcanoes National Park would get into the 60's - good thing we brought our entire closets!!


Andrea_Ben said...

Looks like fun! I cannot wait to see how tan you guys are!

Andrea_Ben said...

BTW - my last word verification was comet. I love it when they make words.