Happy Birthday Abigail (and America)! Here's a glimpse of our little girl's exciting 2nd birthday party. Thank you for all the gifts, cards, phone calls, and happy wishes. She appreciates all of you!
Yes, we might have gone a little overboard for a two year old, but you only turn two once, right?

It was difficult to get her out of the Dora bouncy castle, but we managed to bribe her with birthday cupcakes and a swim in the pool. She spent most of her party in the bouncy though. Here she is looking cute in the birthday dress from Grams.

Taking a break to ask daddy to take off her party shoes from Jan and Floyd.

"Aunt" Jan and "Uncle" Floyd enjoying the party!
Our little daredevil!

Yummy. Who cares about blowing out that silly candle?
My red, white, and blue sundaes were a hit!
Abby and Hayden enjoying the day.