Okay, we know it's been over a month since Christmas, but we've been kind of "off-the-grid" for a little while! Well, we're back to the Internet and we have a good month of pictures from celebrating Christmas, to enjoying Texas as a family, to spending time in the sunshine and 70 degrees of Arizona!
Here's some pics of our Christmas celebration. Abby was a very good girl, and waited until daddy got home on January 1st for the family to open our presents.
Our Charlie Brown tree in the background...best effort at toddler-proofing Christmas.
Abby trying on her ladybug backpack from Papa John and Grandma Enid.
She loved her new dress from Aunt Jane so much that she gave it a big hug. Kind of weird!?
Reading a book with daddy.
Daddy brought her a stuffed zebra from Korea which turned out to be perfect since she loves "Madagascar"!
Abby trying to take her new zebra for a ride...guess we need to start buying bigger stuffed animals.
Making the most of the drive to TX!!
Abby says, "Goooooo whoever is playing t.u.!". In this case, Alabama.
Abby smiling big for the camera!