Abby in the "Abby" bloomers Aunt Jane got her - ready to walk??
Me and my girl!
Abby hanging with the girls at the Lincoln Park trail run - thanks to Crystal for entertaining Abigail!!
An effort to keep our families and friends updated with our busy lives. We'll try to make frequent posts about our sweet little Abigail Rose and Caitlin June.
Abby in the "Abby" bloomers Aunt Jane got her - ready to walk??
Me and my girl!
One of Abby's new looks - pigtails!
Abby HATING her rabbit ear towel - not a fan of hats of any sort!
The other stuff just so happens to glow in the dark - thanks Korea!
Anna trying to out-do Thad with a Guinness mustache...I'm soooooo glad Mustache March is OVER!
The Osan gang celebrating Cole and Brooklyn's One Year Anniversary! Nice mustaches!
At the Club after a long Friday at work - for the Draggins!
Celebrating our last Friday night together at the O'Club. I miss you, baby.
One last parting shot...a family pic at the "Italian restaurant" in Osan. We miss you Thad.