"Oh no, mom's watching me."
"Who cares? This is just too fun!"
An effort to keep our families and friends updated with our busy lives. We'll try to make frequent posts about our sweet little Abigail Rose and Caitlin June.
"Oh no, mom's watching me."
"Who cares? This is just too fun!"
Oh, the drama!
Believe it or not, this went on for at least 30 minutes...always ending in this face!
Her head keeps going lower and lower - until she does a face plant!Notice the size of the slobber spot on the sofa grow throughout the maneuver!
Wait for it...
...wait for it...
Ugh! Face plant!
"Look Mom, I did it!"
Only problem is, she hates being on her stomach. She gets a frustrated look on her face and grunts like a pig.
Not bad for 4 months, huh?
I love that face...she's such a good sport.
We hung out and gave candy away to the new neighborhood kids and then went to the new A-10 class' party to show her off and play some beer pong.
Homer, Marge and the chili pepper at the Lobo Halloween party:
Halloween was a great break from ripping up tile in our new kitchen. Here's some "before" pictures and one of Thad hard at work:
And one last parting shot! Mom forgot to brush Abby's hair, but she still manages to look cute in her camo jammies from Grams.
A sad night for America:
It looks like the radical has become our 44th president and we're heading for 4 years of pure socialism. I hope for Abby's sake that our country and our military can recover from what they are about to undergo.